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Meet Your Net-Zero Targets with Oysters

The Oyster Restoration Company has announced a new initiative to help businesses

achieve their net-zero sustainability goals by using native oysters. Our mission is to make seas and oceans more sustainable by creating a reliable supply of oysters, with oyster reefs being 3X more efficient at sequestering carbon than temperate forests.

Underwater scene of an oil and gas subsea production system

In addition to being a valuable food

source, oysters also provide shelter and feeding grounds for other marine species, making them an essential building block for biodiversity projects. By using existing infrastructure where possible to deploy oysters, pilot projects can get started quickly, making them a cost-effective, marine solution to reaching net-zero goals.

Our efforts will not only restore the native oyster and associated ecosystems through restoration, but they will also help with decarbonisation and we are looking for partners to collaborate with on flagship net-zero projects. Through our environmental developments, we are developing a metric-based reporting system that will provide an overview of the ecosystem benefits for key stakeholders. These tangible statistics will demonstrate the benefits of deploying native oysters, giving businesses the knowledge they need to further invest capital with a potential return of nature credits.

By collaborating with us on flagship net-zero projects, businesses can meet their net-zero or net-positive targets using oysters. This initiative is also an excellent opportunity for businesses to invest in sustainability while also restoring our marine ecosystems.

Please contact us here if you want to find out more.

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