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Native oysters provide a nature-based solution to critical environmental challenges:


Biodiversity Enhancement

Ecosystem Restoration
By incorporating oyster restoration into your corporate sustainability initiatives, you can make a measurable environmental impact using a nature-based solution while advancing SDG and ESG objectives.
Oysters also play a critical role in improving water quality by naturally filtering pollutants, including those from sewage and storm surges, which account for 37% of all sewage released into UK waterways.
Oysters are a powerful tool to address the pressing challenge of water pollution, supporting both environmental health and your company's sustainability goals.
Solutions Tailored for Large Enterprises
We work with businesses across a wide range of industries, including offshore wind, water companies and other large enterprises, to design solutions that:

Delivers an end-to-end nature-based solution.
Enhances biodiversity restoration projects.
Aligns with your regulatory and sustainability goals.
Make a Tangible Environmental Impact

By partnering with us, you can:
Positively impact the environment by removing water pollutants.
Create measurable progress towards global biodiversity goals.
Show a commitment to impactful ESG practices.

Why partner with us?

Proven expertise in scalable oyster restoration strategies.
Experience working with businesses of all sizes.
Tailored guidance to meet your specific environmental and ESG priorities.

Get in touch to find out more.
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