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Who We Help

Dr. Nik Sachlikidis, CEO

            You know your stuff, we know our stuff, let's collaborate to find the perfect custom solution. LIFT 4.10 Otter How should we phrase this quote?
We are doing this to ensure there is an undersupplied market we want to help. We recognize. We are committed to the greater good and looking to collaborate. 
quote from Nik and then one from TNC or Yorkshire Wildlife Trust. 
the oyster restoration company
the oyster restoration company


We provide disease-free, high-survival, and high-growth spat.

Community Restoration Projects

We provide genetically diverse disease-resistant spat.


Meet your SDG goals with fully managed oyster deployment.




Hit biodiversity and net-zero targets with native oysters.

​We are committed to the restoration of native oysters to our local coastlines. 


Join us, so we can quickly enhance ecosystem resilience, mitigate coastal erosion, and bolster biodiversity by strategically restoring native oyster populations. 

Photo with us in the field and oysters in hand. Not this. Active

Contact Us

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