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Restoration as a Service

We're dedicated to revitalising marine ecosystems by restoring native oysters in our oceans. 


Reach out if you want help creating a healthier, more sustainable future for our oceans and communities.

Oysters for Nature Based Solutions


Biodiversity Habitat Creation

Let's restore biodiversity by reintroducing native oysters, a keystone species that are vital for habitat creation in Europe.



Our native oysters can be used in conjunction with seascapes to accelerate biodiversity enhancement.


Off-shore Wind

Deployment of oysters at the base of wind farms is a great way to restore habitats in the North Sea.



Environmental enhancement isn't restricted to wild oysters populations. It can be achieved in farming by growing Native Oysters alongside Pacific Oysters. 

Native oysters deliver compliance with restoration laws.

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Restoration solution required
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Native Oysters are functionally extinct
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We are saving the species
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Restoration as a service is the solution

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